FCT joins Call 2025 for “la Caixa” Foundation Social Research Projects

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The application period for the 2025 edition of Call of the “la Caixa” Foundation’s Social Observatory is now open, and runs until 13:00 (mainland Portugal time) on January 22, 2025.

The aim of this Call is to support social research projects based on quantitative data that stand out for their excellence and that, through an original and innovative approach, generate robust and solid information that allows for an in-depth understanding of the present and future social challenges of Spain and/or Portugal.

Selected applications will be supported, led by individual researchers of any nationality who carry out their research activity in a non-profit organization – public or private universities or research centers based in Portugal or Spain.

The FCT has been associated with the annual editions of the Calls Social Research Programme since 2020, under the agreement signed with the “la Caixa” Foundation, which provides for the mobilization of support to fund projects led by researchers from research institutions based in Portugal. Collaboration with the FCT has already made it possible to fund a total of 25 projects led by Portuguese institutions, for a total joint investment of more than 2.5 million euros, of which 800,000 euros come from the FCT.

For more information on Call and the application process, see the “la Caixa” Foundation website and the information on Call on the FCT website.

See also the winning projects from the last edition (2024).

FCT News
