Provisional results of the National Scientific and Technological Potential Survey 2023

This month, the Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC) published the provisional results of the 2023 National Scientific and Technological Potential Survey (IPCTN), which reveal that Portugal has reached 4.523 billion euros in total expenditure on R&D (Research & Development) activities, which is equivalent to 1.70% of the national GDP and represents a 10% increase compared to 2022.
In 2023, the total number of people carrying out R&D activities in Portugal was 79,257 (FTE), representing a 7% increase on the previous year. Of these, 62,476 were researchers, an increase of 6%. Researchers continue to be concentrated in the Higher Education sector, 31,125 FTE (50%), and in the Business sector, 28,363 FTE (45%).
The Business sector, responsible for 2,834 million euros, accounted for 63% of national R&D spending and the Higher Education sector 30% (1,367 million euros). The State and Private Non-Profit Institutions (NPISH) sectors accounted for 4% and 3% respectively.
Compared to 2022, R&D spending increased in all sectors. IPSFL saw an increase of 21 million euros (+ 22%), the State sector 27 million euros (+ 16%), Companies 268 million (+ 10%) and Higher Education 82 million (+ 6%).
The IPCTN is a census survey carried out in accordance with criteria defined at international level by Eurostat, in conjunction with the OECD, with reference to the Frascati Manual (2015). It is an official instrument for collecting and producing statistical information on Research and Development (R&D) activities in Portugal. It is an operation included in the National Statistical System (S.E.N.) and the DGEEC is the delegate body of the National Statistics Institute (INE) for its execution.
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