Workshop “Towards the ARCHE SRIA” presents preliminary results of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

The Institute of Heritage Sciences of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) will organize on September 25, 2024, in Florence (Italy), a workshop entitled “Towards the ARCHE SRIA”.
This is the 2nd workshop held within the scope of the ARCHE consortium – Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe and can be attended in person or online . This consortium is funded by Horizon Europe and is directly related to the preparatory project of the European Partnership for Resilient Cultural Heritage.
The event will take place at the Innovation Center of Fondazione CR Firenze and will present the preliminary results of the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), which will establish the research priorities for joint transnational activities to start in 2026, within the framework of the European Partnership for Resilient Cultural Heritage.
For more information, please see the ARCHE page publicizing this Workshop .
In parallel, it is also possible to participate in the public event of E-RIHS – European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science, dedicated to the celebration of 20 years of access to cutting-edge infrastructures in the area of heritage sciences, scheduled for September 24th, at Manifattura Tabacchi , also in Florence. For more information, please visit the E-RIHS event page .
FCT participates in the ARCHE project, contributing to the project’s mapping, evaluation, promotion and dissemination activities, as well as to the implementation and support of its structure.
2024 marks the 40th anniversary of the European Union’s Framework Program, the largest instrument for promoting European Research, Development and Innovation and the beacon for international scientific cooperation.
FCT News