1st European Mission Forum EMiF: “Making Missions Work”
The 1st European Mission Forum will take place as an online event on 25 January 2023.
A detailled agenda including speaker names and timing is available here.
Please register here for the event.
We look forward to seeing you on 25 January 2023 online.
TRAMI – Making Missions Work
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The European Mission Forum will connect all EU Mission stakeholders and actor groups:
- governmental actors
- civil society
- business sector
- research and innovation
The event will introduce the European Mission Network EMiN to a wider public and offer participants an opportunity to learn about other EU-Mission actors from outside their usual networks.
EMiF’s agenda focusses on the EU Missions transformative policy approach: it provides a platform for information and interactive exchange to help all stakeholders at European, national and regional level to support the successful implementation of the EU Missions.
- Speakers from the European Commission will outline the EU Missions policy approach.
- Experts and practitioners will showcase Mission implementation success stories to illustrate hurdles and potential of this new approach.
- Parallel sessions feature speakers from the R&I community, government and the policy arena as well as entrepreneurs and will give opportunity to discuss the topics of Citizens Engagement, Policy Implementation and the transformation of the Research and Innovation sectors in depth:
- Purpose and Perspectives – European Missions Across Policy Areas and Levels
- The Path to a Mission Oriented Research and Innovation System
- Engaging Citizens – Meet and Monitor the Missions
- The event will close with a panel discussion featuring represenatives from the thematic Missions and leading projects in the area, pointing the way forward to a successful implementation of the 5 EU Missions.