Lisbon hosts “Tour de Capitales” event

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES), in cooperation with the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), the National Innovation Agency (ANI), and the European Commission (EC), is organizing a Europe-wide event on knowledge valorization. The two-day event aims to bring together representatives from higher education institutions, industry, intermediary organizations and decision-makers to discuss the challenges and opportunities in valuing knowledge and explore collaborative actions and initiatives to address them.

The main objective of the Tour des Capitales is to foster a collaborative environment that promotes knowledge valorization, bringing together representatives from academia, industry, intermediary organizations and decision-makers to discuss the challenges and opportunities in knowledge valorization and explore collaborative solutions and initiatives to address them. The event will contribute to the development of innovative solutions for knowledge valorization in Higher Education Institutions and to the establishment of a network of stakeholders in knowledge valorization.

The initiative focuses on the debate and sharing of experiences between representatives of academia, industry and international institutions on the different mechanisms for the valorization of knowledge, which are fundamental for accelerating the adoption of innovative solutions, developing new technologies, products and services and leveraging competitiveness and impact on the economy and society.

Participation is free, but registration is mandatory until October 31st.

Registration here.

See the program.


FCT News
