Workshop: “Horizon 2020 – Preparation of proposals in collaboration”

As part of the training activities that the GPPQ organizes regularly, a training session for collaborative projects will be held on December 3 in Lisbon, in a place that will be communicated to those selected to participate.

The focus of this workshop will be the proposals in a European consortium of Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges, namely the Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and Innovation Actions (IA). The dialogue between the participants and the trainers will be promoted, contributing to the knowledge of the main aspects pertinent to the process of preparation and submission of a potentially winning application, as well as practical exercises.

This training action is exclusively intended for entities that are preparing proposals in the aforementioned financing schemes, Research and Innovation Actions and Innovation Actions – collaborative projects.
More information, registration and agenda is available at the following link:

Participation is free but requires prior registration until November 28. Selected participants should receive information on whether or not they were selected on 28 and 29 November.

We note that these Training Shares are subject to limited seating and selection criteria (being involved in the preparation of a proposal, one participant per entity/proposal, preference for proposals to be submitted in the beginning of 2019).
