Call for IC&DT Projects – Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Cybersecurity relevant to Public Administration

News - IC&DT Projects - Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration

Applications are now open at Call for IC&DT Projects – Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Cybersecurity of relevance to Public Administration, within the scope of PRR Investment – C05-i08 – More Digital Science.

Call aims to support scientific research and technological development projects at all stages, from exploratory activities to proofs of concept, in the following thematic areas:

  • Artificial intelligence and data science;
  • Design of digital services and interaction design, from an interdisciplinary and citizen-centered perspective;
  • Cybersecurity;
  • Artificial Intelligence Governance.

The final beneficiaries are, individually or in co-promotion, non-business entities from the R&I system and companies of any nature and in any legal form, provided that they are part of IC&DT projects led by non-business entities from the R&I system.

This Call has a budget of €8,375,000 and the projects will have a maximum duration of 12 months, with eligible expenses incurred by the final beneficiaries between January 1, 2023 and October 31, 2025, with a maximum funding per project of €125,000.00.

Applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. (mainland Portugal time) on July 31, 2024.


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