Portugal2020 Call’s
Portugal2020 is the partnership agreement between Portugal and the European Commission, which brings together the five European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF): European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Cohesion Fund (CF), European Social Fund (ESF), European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) – that defines the programming principles that enshrine the policy of economic, social and territorial development to be promoted, in Portugal, between 2014 and 2020.
The Program emerges as the successor to the Portuguese Strategic Reference Framework (QREN) and fits the EU structural support for the 2014-2020 programming period, adopts the programming principles established for the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy and enshrines development policy Economic, social, environmental and territorial cohesion needed to support, stimulate and secure a new national cycle of growth and job creation.
Portugal2020 is organized around Operational Programs from which POCI (Operational Program Competitiveness and Internationalization) and the Regional Programs of North, Centre, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve provide ERDF funds to promote and foster research, technological development and innovation.
The four thematic OPs are:
- Competitiveness and internationalization
- Human capital
- Social inclusion and employment
- Sustainability and resource efficiency
In addition to the four thematic programs, there are still regional OPs, five on the continent (North, Center, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve), two for the Autonomous Regions (Madeira and the Azores) and one Technical Assistance OP, as well as three Development OPs (Mainland, Azores and Madeira) and an OP for the Maritime Affairs.
Thematic Operational Programs
Competitiveness and Internationalization |
Its objective is to contribute to the creation of a more competitive economy, based on knowledge-intensive activities, betting on tradable and internationalized goods and services, and strengthening the qualification and export orientation of Portuguese companies, especially SMEs.
Human capital |
Aims to promote the increase in qualification of the population adjusted to the needs of the labor market and in convergence with European standards, guaranteeing the improvement of the quality level in the acquired qualifications, improving school success, reducing abandonment, promoting equality, social cohesion and personal development and citizenship, together with the strengthening of the country’s economic competitiveness.
Social Inclusion and Employment |
Aims at strengthening the integration of people at risk of poverty and combating social exclusion by ensuring that innovative measures of social intervention are promoted and direct support is provided to the most disadvantaged groups, active employment policies and other instruments to safeguard social cohesion.
Sustentabilidade e eficiência no uso dos recursos |
It aims to contribute to the affirmation of the Europe 2020 strategy, especially in the priority of sustainable growth, responding to the challenges of transition to a low carbon economy based on a more efficient use of resources and the promotion of greater resistance to climate risks and disasters.
Regional Operational Programs
NORTE 2020 – North Regional Operational Program |
The NORTE 2020 initiative aims at a regional strategy for the 2014-2020 horizon, promoting at regional level the motto of the Europe 2020 strategy: smart, inclusive and sustainable growth.
CENTRO 2020 – Regional Operational Program of the Center |
The aim of this program is to achieve more satisfactory levels of economic, social and territorial cohesion, which means strengthening investment in areas such as competitiveness, research, development and innovation, with a particular focus on technology transfer and SMEs and knowledge-generating entities.
LISBOA 2020 – Regional Operational Program for Lisbon and Vale do Tejo |
The Lisbon OP aims to continue the process of strengthening regional competitiveness, greatly enhancing the focus on innovation, R&D and the diversification and strengthening of SMEs. With a view to its internationalization and participation in the processes of growth and innovation. The objective is to confirm and consolidate the position of Lisbon among the innovative regions of the EU by fully integrating it into the knowledge economy.
ALENTEJO 2020 – Regional Operational Program of Alentejo |
The Regional Operational Program of the Alentejo 2014-2020 will be multi-fund (ERDF and ESF) and will fundamentally promote the competitiveness of the regional economic fabric and the creation of employment, within a framework of growth that is intended to be technologically more advanced and innovative, sustainable and inclusive.
CRESC Algarve 2020 – Regional Operational Program of the Algarve |
This program aims to mobilize the region for a balanced development, affirming the Algarve as a more competitive, more resilient, entrepreneurial and sustainable region based on the valorization of knowledge.
Operational Program of the Autonomous Region of the Azores |
The strategy defined in the AZORES OP 2014-2020 is based on a strategic vision for the Azores for this programming period, based on a set of investment priorities, optimizing the Community financing and respective eligibility of the Structural Funds ERDF and ESF in the Smart growth, social inclusion and employment and sustainability.
Operational Program of the Autonomous Region of Madeira |
It aims to innovate, endogenous resources and economic diversification, as vectors of solid anchoring of a new building (involving the institutional, economic, social and environmental dimensions) that will reposition RAM in Europe and the World, providing Entry into more complex and demanding chains of products and services, but are better able to provide sources of added value in a logic that is not based on economies of scale, agglomeration or contiguity, where the Region will always have a harder time competing.
Operational Programs for Rural Development
PDR2020 – Continent Rural Development Program |
Based on the vision of the national strategy for sustainable growth of the agroforestry sector throughout the national territory, PDR2020 aims to increase the added value of the agroforestry sector, contribute to a balance of trade balance, ensure the conditions to improve the sustainable management of agroforestry. Resources, in particular through a more efficient use of them, ensuring their protection, and the economic and social dynamism of rural areas. At the same time, it aims to increase the capacity for innovation and knowledge transfer to the agroforestry sector, to improve the level of training and advice of agricultural and forestry producers, to increase concentration of supply and to promote risk management to which the sector is vulnerable.
PRORURAL+ – Rural Development Program of the Autonomous Region of the Azores |
PRORURAL + assumes the vision of the strategy for agriculture and rural development of the Region, based on self-sufficiency, in value, of the agro-food sector in 2020, and the structuring of commercial channels that allow the export of specialized products to the external market. This strategy has as a determining principle the concentration of support directed to agents directly involved in the production of tradable goods and services and the creation of value from agricultural and forestry activities, as well as the promotion of agricultural and forestry systems with the capacity to better preserve and improve Natural resources and in mitigating the economic and social weakness of rural areas.
PRODERAM 2020 – Rural Development Program of the Autonomous Region of Madeira 2014-2020 |
The rural development strategy for the period 2014-2020 has as its main objective to raise agricultural and rural sustainability levels, in particular by increasing the competitiveness of traditional local production and by enhancing environmental and landscape improvement in a multifunctional agricultural framework and In a rural area of quality and capable of promoting and sustaining the economic and social development of rural areas.
Operational Program for Maritime Affairs
Operational Program MAR 2020 |
The OP MAR2020 plays a key role in financing measures to meet the economic, environmental and social demands and challenges of 2014-2020, focusing on the following priorities: promoting competitive, environmentally sustainable fishing, Resource efficient, innovative and knowledge-based; Promote competitive, environmentally sustainable, resource efficient, innovative and knowledge-based aquaculture; To promote the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy by improving and providing scientific knowledge and improving the collection and management of data and by providing support for monitoring, control and enforcement; Increasing employment and territorial cohesion by promoting economic growth, social inclusion and job creation, and providing support for employability and labor mobility in coastal and inland communities dependent on fisheries and aquaculture; Promote marketing and processing by improving the organization of the market in fishery and aquaculture products and encouraging investment in the processing and marketing sectors; And to promote the implementation of the Integrated Maritime Policy.
Operational Technical Assistance Program
Operational Technical Assistance Program |
The Technical Assistance OP 2014-2020 will be the instrumental support for the development of the overall strategy defined for the management and control system, providing adequate conditions for its launch and efficient execution, providing the necessary support for the implementation of coordination systems and structures And strategic monitoring, and to the functioning of financial management, monitoring, evaluation, control and communication systems and structures.
There is also a Portugal Social Innovation program implemented through the mobilization of financial resources from other Operational Programs of Portugal2020:
The basic rule of application of these funds in projects supported by Portugal Social Innovation are contained in the Specific Regulation for Social Inclusion and Employment and in the Specific Regulations for the Domain of Human Capital. The detailed rules, in turn, should be consulted in each of the notices for the submission of applications to Portuguese Social Innovation funding programs.
Portugal Social Innovation Program |
With the creation of the Portugal Social Innovation Initiative, Portugal pioneered the European Union by channeling an important part of FEEI from the new 2014-2020 programming cycle to promote social innovation.Portugal Inovação Social intends to support initiatives of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship (IIES) that are focused on a social mission, seeking to solve important and neglected problems of the society, be innovative, pioneering at world, national or regional level with validated impact, have a Model that can be systematized and replicated in a broader context, given the nature of the problem they address and the solution they propose, seek to measure and validate their impact in order to continually improve performance and mobilize more resources and adopt implementation strategies With mechanisms that promote economic sustainability, through the efficient mobilization of resources, generation of revenues, or savings in public spending.