Collaboration protocol signed between FCT and Associação Spot Nordic

News - FCT Protocol and the Spot Nordic Association

FCT recently signed a collaboration protocol with Spot Nordic – Association of Portuguese Graduate Professionals and Researchers in the Nordic Countries, a document that aims to contribute to the deepening of scientific relations between Portugal and the countries of Nordic Europe (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland).

Through this protocol, which represents support from FCT of 30,000 euros to this association, Spot Nordic will develop, throughout 2024, several activities, such as mapping and updating data on Portuguese citizens in Nordic Europe, the attribution of two Studentships of research support for partnership projects between researchers in Portugal and Nordic Europe, as well as an annual award to highlight the significant contributions of Portuguese researchers in Nordic Europe.

Spot Nordic is an association founded in 2020 that represents the interests of Portuguese university students, researchers and graduated professionals in Nordic European countries, also promoting the development of its members’ relations with Portugal.

The protocol that FCT signed with Spot Nordic is part of a set of similar protocols that FCT has been establishing with associations that represent the Portuguese scientific diaspora. Since 2019, collaborations have been formalized with PARSUK (Association of Portuguese Researchers and Students in the United Kingdom), ASPPA (Association of Portuguese Postgraduates in Germany), PAPS (Community of Portuguese Graduates in North America) and AGRAFr (Association of Portuguese Graduates in France).


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