Evaluation of R&D Units 2023-2024

As part of the multiannual program for funding R&D units, on December 28, 2023, FCT published the Notice of the Call of the 2023-2024 evaluation process. The registration of R&D Units took place on the Science and Technology Portal between January 8 and January 17, 2024, followed by the registration of teams between January 18 and February 19, 2024, and the period for submitting applications will run from February 20 to March 25, 2024, until 5 pm (Lisbon time). A document with guidelines for this new Call is available and the Application and Evaluation Guides are also available on the Call website.
R&D Units are periodically evaluated by panels of international evaluators, who assign a rating and funding for the following multi-year period. The evaluation will focus on the scientific and technological activities carried out by the R&D units between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2023 and on the objectives, strategy, activity plan and organization for the period 2025-2029.
The 312 R&D Units funded by the FCT are distributed across various areas of knowledge and throughout the country. The R&D Units may be entities integrated in different universities or polytechnics, constitute partnerships between universities or have an independent status and autonomous operation. Financed R&D Units can be consulted in the Atlas of R&D Units published by FCT.
It should be noted that the FCT’s Regulation for the Evaluation and Multiannual Financing of Research and Development Units, Regulation no. 404/2022, of April 27, 2022, was recently amended and republished by Regulation no. 1251-A/2023 of November 21, 2023.
FCT News