Final Ceremony of the 4th edition of the Mário Ruivo Prize

The final ceremony of the Mário Ruivo 2024 Prize will be held at Cinemateca Portuguesa in Lisbon on November 16, National Maritime Day, at 3pm.
There are four categories Call: the “Message” category, awarding the film that best conveys the message of the ocean’s role for humanity, sustainability and global balance; the “Creativity” category, which awards the film that stands out in terms of creative concept, directing techniques and production used; the “Scientific Culture” category, awarding the film that best conveys the importance of ocean science for the benefit of society and the environment; and the “Future” category, which recognizes the film submitted by applicants aged between 14 and 17 and which has the best rating, combining message and creativity.
In its 4th edition, which registered 44 videos at Call, the jury awarded ex-aequo prizes and an honorable mention in all categories.
This initiative is organized by the Prize Organizing Committee (COP), coordinated by the DGPM – Directorate-General for Maritime Policy, and includes the FCT, IPMA – Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere, EMEPC – Mission Structure for the Extension of the Continental Shelf, Cinemateca Portuguesa, DGE – Directorate-General for Education and APA – Portuguese Environment Agency.
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