Calls for funding R&D projects in all scientific fields with 4439 applications

Applications for the 2023 edition of Call for exploratory projects in all scientific fields (PEX) and Call for scientific research and technological development projects (IC&DT) in all scientific fields closed on March 1 and 21, respectively. A total of 4,439 applications were received for the two Calls , which adopted the simplified cost methodology for the first time.
Call of exploratory projects in all scientific fields (PEX) – 2023
A total of 1,889 applications were submitted, with a total funding request of 93.3 million euros, 56% of which have women researchers in charge and 8.2% are led by researchers or researchers of foreign nationality; 22% of the applications are in Medical and Health Sciences, 18% in Engineering and Technology Sciences, 16% in Social Sciences, 15% in Natural Sciences, 13% in Exact Sciences, 9% in Humanities and 8% in Agricultural Sciences. This Call will allocate a financial envelope of 20M€.
Call PT2030 of scientific research and technological development (IC&DT) projects in all scientific fields – 2023, co-financed by FCT
A total of 2,550 applications were submitted, with total funding requested of 626.4 million euros, 54% of which have women researchers in charge and 8.2% are led by researchers of foreign nationality; 27% of the applications are in Engineering and Technology Sciences, 21% in Medical and Health Sciences, 16% in Natural Sciences, 13% in Social Sciences, 9% in Agricultural Sciences, 9% in Exact Sciences and 5% in Humanities.
With a financial envelope of 120M€ (65M€ PT2030/FEDER and 55M€ FCT), corresponding to an increase of 118% compared to 2022, this Call was the result of synergies between the science area and all the regional management authorities and COMPETE.
The FCT will distribute all its funds exclusively according to scientific merit, regardless of the nature of the project (fundamental or applied), whether the project comes from a convergence region, or whether the project has been selected for ERDF fund.
FCT News