ERC-2021-StG/ERC-2021-CoG: Host Institutions in Switzerland are not eligible and selected candidates will be asked if they want to change their Host Institution

On 6 October 2021 the ERCEA informed all applicants to the ERC Starting Grant call 2021 with Host Institution legal entities established in Switzerland that such entities are not eligible as ERC host institutions.

If the proposal is recommended for funding, the PI will be invited to indicate within one week as of the receipt of the Evaluation letter their intention as regards the ERC grant. More specifically, whether they intend or not to transfer their proposal to an eligible Host Institution (i.e. in the EU or Associated Country). If yes, the PIs will be asked to provide the ERCEA as soon as possible and no later than within two months as of the receipt of the Evaluation letter a commitment letter signed by an eligible Host Institution.  After this two-months-time frame, PIs who don’t provide such letter will be considered to have declined the grant.

The same email will be sent at a later stage to the concerned Consolidator Grant call 2021 step-2 applicants.

We would like to raise awareness to all PT institutions with strong networks established with Swiss Host Institutions, as you can represent a valid alternative for the implementation of the project. The PI will have to spend at least 50% of the time in Portugal.


