FCT organizes sessions on MSCA COFUND, Excellence Hubs and ERA-CHAIRs

FCT will hold two information sessions dedicated to various Horizon Europe instruments, with a view to three Calls: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) COFUND (open until February 8, 2024), Excellence Hubs and ERA CHAIRs (open until March 7, 2024). These three funding instruments have different characteristics and respond to different needs of institutions.
MSCA COFUND aims to co-finance a doctoral or post-doctoral program. Although there is no mandatory minimum co-financing rate on the part of the beneficiary institution, in practice we find that successful applications propose at least 30% co-financing from other sources. The COFUND session will take place exclusively online on November 13, starting at 10 a.m.It will last one hour and prior registration is mandatory.
Excellence Hubs aims to deepen collaboration between academia and companies, with a focus on Widening countries (such as Portugal). ERA-CHAIRs aims to create research groups by hiring (in various possible ways) an ERA-CHAIR Holder who will lead the process. The session on these two funding instruments will take place exclusively online on online format on November 15, starting at 2 p.m.It will last two hours and prior registration is also required.
FCT News