FCT participates in workshop “S&T Funding for the Benefit of Communities”

FCT will participate in the workshop “S&T Funding for the Benefit of Communities” on November 14. This will be the second in a series of three hybrid workshops on the theme of “South-South Dialogues”, with the aim of involving the academic and scientific communities of Angola, Mozambique and Portugal.
The event is part of the action “Funding policies and practices for glocal, ethical, innovative and relevant science and technology: Dialogues between Angola, Mozambique and Portugal”, funded by the European Union-Angola Dialogue Facility through three agencies: FUNDECIT (Angola), FNI (Mozambique) and FCT (Portugal). This action aims to promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences, in an effort to foster cooperation and dialogue between Africa and Europe, between the three partner funding agencies and the scientific communities of the respective countries.
The event, organized by the National Research Fund (FNI), will take place at the Afrin Prestige Hotel, Maputo (Mozambique). Participation is subject to pre-registration until November 12, and online participation is possible.
Those interested in taking part virtually are invited to register via the following link: https://eventos.fni.gov.mz/event/18/.
For more information contact FNI at:
- Jornal Mbembe: e-mail, jornal.mbebe@gmail.com +258 84 3083831
- Márcia Nhacuongue: e-mail, marcianhacuongue@gmail.com +258 84 8031944
See the program here.
FCT News