Panel “Balancing mineral extraction and nature protection”

SUMEX has announced a free online invitation to participate in the high-level panel discussion “Balancing mineral extraction and nature protection: The implications of the proposed EU Critical Raw Materials Act for Europe’s energy transition”, which will take place at the World Resources Forum 2023.
The proposal for an EU regulation on Critical Raw Materials, recently published by the European Commission, will be discussed. It aims to address some of the challenges and opportunities the EU faces to advance the energy transition and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. However, the proposed EU regulation faces two major challenges: growing international competition for mineral raw materials and national public opposition to mining and quarrying. The aim is to analyse these issues and seek the best balance between supplying the raw materials needed for Europe’s ecological transition and protecting Europe’s natural capital.
The panel discussion will take place on 5 September 2023, from 10:00 PM to 11:30 PM (Lisbon time) and will be organised by the European projects CIRAN, SUMEX and Re-sourcing.
FCT is an affiliate member of the INTRAW Observatory, which coordinates the European CIRAN project that is co-organising this panel.
Register here for free virtual access to the panel discussion. This panel is particularly relevant for policymakers and authorities in land use planning, environmental conservation and mineral resource extraction.
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