João Monjardino Prize 2024 “Rare Genetic Diseases: Detection and Therapy”

Image alluding to the João Monjardino 2024 award

The 2024 João Monjardino Prize is now open for applications. This year it aims to distinguish the best scientific article on “Rare Genetic Diseases: Detection and Therapy” and will award 10,000 euros to the winner. Proposals to Call can be submitted until October 31, 2024, at 5 p.m. in mainland Portugal.

Call is open to authors of published scientific articles, with no restriction on the year of publication, on a proposed theme, which this year is “Rare Genetic Diseases: Detection and Therapy”. The proposed article must describe the results of research carried out in an institution of the national scientific and technological system, by a researcher under the age of 35 at the time of submitting the application.

Candidates may submit a single original paper, which has been published or accepted for publication, duly verified, in a national or international journal of the speciality, and must be the first author or co-author, if recognized in the publication as having the same contribution as the first author.

Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria: scientific quality of the article; relevance of the study and relevance of the results obtained under the theme of the Call; and the candidate’s contribution to the work published or accepted for publication.

This prize is awarded under a protocol signed between the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Professor Francisco Pulido Valente Foundation. The Pulido Valente Prize (2003-2020) was launched in 2003 and renamed the João Monjardino Prize in 2021.

The initiative has been running for 21 consecutive years, with 10,000 euros being awarded in each edition, shared equally by the two foundations. In all, more than 200,000 euros have been awarded in the twenty editions, which have distinguished science in Portugal in the field of Biomedical and Health Sciences.

All the information on the application process is available on the João Monjardino Prize 2024 website Call .



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