Principles of ERC Funding
The ERC’s mission is to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research which cross the boundaries between different fields of research, based on scientific excellence. The ERC is a flagship component of Horizon Europe, the European Union’s Research Framework Programme for 2021 to 2027.
The ERC encourages proposals of an interdisciplinary nature, pioneering proposals addressing new and emerging fields of research and introducing unconventional, innovative approaches and scientific inventions.
Indicative summary of calls from the 2025 budget
Read more in the text of the ERC Work Programme 2025 (PDF, 745KB)
What makes a competitive candidate?
What does ERC ofter?

Synergy Grants will not be available under this work programme. Nonetheless, the ERC Scientific Council is expecting to be able to open the first Synergy Grant call of Horizon Europe still this summer, with funding to be provided under the next work programme.
Similarly, the Proof of Concept Grants are not available under this work programme, but a call is expected to open in the second half of this year under the next work programme.