Oportunidades de Financiamento – Ciências Sociais e Humanas

Divulgamos oportunidades de financiamento que consideramos ser de interesse para quem acompanha e participa no Desafio Societal 6. Abaixo poderão encontrar a referência a estas oportunidades de financiamento bem como os links para as páginas onde poderão obter mais informações.

Justice ProgrammeCall for Action grants in 2017

Justice Programme offers concrete financial support to various organisations specialised thematically in the area of justice. It focuses on the following key areas:

  • judicial cooperation in civil matters, including civil and commercial matters, insolvencies, family matters and successions, etc.
  • judicial cooperation in criminal matters
  • judicial training, including language training on legal terminology, with a view to fostering a common legal and judicial culture
  • effective access to justice in Europe, including rights of victims of crime and procedural rights in criminal proceedings
  • initiatives in the field of drugs policy (judicial cooperation and crime prevention aspects)

Rights, Equality and Citizenship ProgrammeCall for Action grants in 2017

The Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020 defends the rights and freedoms that people are entitled to under EU law. It aims to:

  • promote non-discrimination
  • combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance
  • promote gender equality and gender mainstreaming
  • prevent violence against children, young people, women and other groups at risk
  • promote the rights of the child
  • ensure the protection of personal data in the EU
  • promote EU citizenship rights
  • enforce consumer rights
